I think I'm falling for you, harder than I thought I ever would I would love to tell you how much I like you, but I don't know if I ever could
You're in the year below me, I don't know if that makes it wrong I suppose I could wait another year for you, but I don't want to wait too long ... you could already be gone
That blonde hair, them blue eyes, the way you look at me I don't think you know that I like you back, If only you could see
I see you at school almost everyday, you pass me in the hall You probably get tired of seeing me, I become boring and dull Maybe you can't tell that faith is telling us something every time we cross paths, maybe in the future, we'll notice this and share a tear and a laugh
But for now we remain secret lovers nobody must know The feelings that I share for you will remain un-shown, un-known Just next time if I'm near maybe turn around You'll probably catch me looking at you, And we'll know that our love has been found