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Mar 2014
There's an echo that can be heard,
When the sun's blue sky is rising,
It most definitely sounds like a bird,
But what else you can hear is surprising.

I hear a hum from a girl of long past,
Her perky lips saying there's flowers,
The air around her is sweet, her heart fast,
She admires the plants, they look like towers.

I hear a lover's tears as she hears her life end,
I can hear her texts back and fourth through the web,
She reads "No more, none of this, you aren't my girlfriend,"
So sad. Too bad. That's life. The flow and ebb.

I can hear a stomach growl and another missed a meal,
She never eats. When she does, it's reversed.
This secret of hers is dark and scattered, she may never heal,
I hear her fake the sounds of eating, I hear fake her thirst.

I hear another poem written,
About someone who cuts,
She thinks it will help her fit in,
But she's only losing trust.

I hear a father sobbing upstairs,
His daughter has run away.
He knew she was having affairs,
He knew it would come to this day.

I hear regrets being made,
I hear the lies they whisper,
I hear both of them say
Our love will never wither.

I hear
the ignorance.
Marshall CB Hiatt
Written by
Marshall CB Hiatt  21/M/Salt Lake City
(21/M/Salt Lake City)   
     ---, pastelflowr, ---, cursed, TL Sipple and 2 others
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