I'm begging for intimacy. I'm pining for attraction. I long for affection. And around every corner, I find myself yearning.
I yearn for anything to replicate the very same feeling I get when I feel the summer sun on my face, the warm breeze brushing my hair off my neck, the soft wetness of a particularly lush patch of grass beneath my toes.
The feeling I get the one that bubbles up and spreads warmth throughout my core... the one that draws the corners of my lips involuntarily upward. The kind of smile that's like daisies popping up on formerly barren ground in defiance of the harsh winter they've endured.
I'm chasing the refreshing parts of reality. Searching for things most genuine... the real diamonds that lie in plain sight. A warm embrace of a soul that truly connects with yours. The little victories that pass unnoticed by the turn of the earth... the ones that I manage to catch just out the corner of my eye. The freshness of something borne of the sole miracle of nature.
Things that I can only witness. Things beyond my power to create.