Friends are complicated friends want to know everything they are curious about your test marks your report card who you like your friends' secrets who you hate why do they have to do this i mean don't they have a life? blah blah blah you know they say 'the cat died of curiosity'? if my friends were cats they wouldn't have died of curiosity they would've ****** the life out of me until i gave up and then they will rest wow!!! it's like they want to control every part of your life and want an update once something interesting happens they are so immature if you don't tell them what they want to know they will bribe you blackmail you threaten to tell your other secrets and even if that doesn't work they do something unbelievably stupid privacy is also a thing and then suddenly they aren't your friends but it's not your fault if they want to act childish,fine if they were your true friends they would understand and stop bugging you