“ I feel like I lost my keys, Though I have not, of course. The feeling is rather similar though.
I have lost my keys And now nothing is important. My engagement, my car I know they are somewhere. You look around madly, You want to rip everything apart But it won’t help.
Anxiety, disappointment, loss. Anger.
The keys were here but now they are not. They are gone. He is gone."
Clouse takes a sip of water.
"Scratch that. It is more personal than keys. It is your childhood home; a dimming house You are there but everyone else, your family They are at Disney World. At first you wonder- Are they coming back? But you know, yes you know They are never coming back.
And it does not get better over time Oh why would it? No. No, of course not. Why would it? If anything, you lose yourself in the game you play. You remember, you forget- What is worse, The remembering or the forgetting? I will tell you that is what wanting actually is.”