The movie was coming to an end But we were in no rush to shuffle and get up to turn it off We were solid; comfortably still and both knew We would stay like that long after the credits (Inhale, exhale. Your hand on my back slightly moves to the left) We watch the screen with scrolling eyes Laughing at the funny-sounding names we spit out loud Gathering pillow corners in our fingers And touching them with our noses (Inhale, Finger tapping, rubbing your foot along the back of mine) The names turn to nothing but we become entertained By other things; the way my hair looks now That I’ve been leaning on it that way For two and a half hours And how your eyes look like they have freckles And I am examining them and trying To convince you of this But you say it’s not possible, for your cheeks hold them all (Exhale, eyes turn away, you smile, You travel your finger up and down my arm) And we fall asleep But not to end the night; to continue it Because our sleeping bodies know that we’re beside one another All night long And that’s how our sleeping bodies like it (inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale...)