Yesterday we had our first fight. My heart was beating so fast I was sure you could hear it. But it was the craziest feeling. I am still reeling over it. Because amidst my anger another emotion was so prominent and so unequivocally there that I'm not sure if my face looked more frustrated or surprised.
It was passion. Do not be mistaken, I knew it was there. But not like this. If I were aware of its ability to manifest itself in such ways, I would've run so far away from you that the only anger left in that bar would've belonged to you.
But my subconscious has clearly been lying to me.
So here I am, a physical mess. Anxious, confused, sad. All because fighting with you Has extracted more feeling from my body than any normal conversation with someone else.
It kills me that these things you will never know. But lying here in this pool of emotions, I am acutely aware that you don't deserve to know them.