there is someone on the other side of that camera watching you and if they can read your body language (bottom lip in mouth, hands ******* an oversized shirt) then they can also read everything else (hair twisted and knotted around itself, tie hanging haphazardly off your neck as you clutch at the pack of cigarettes in your pocket)
you have a hard time hiding these things
it's not that you hadn't enjoyed it, per say trading ******* in the men's bathroom back pressed flush against the grimy stall it's just that you had somehow imagined *** with the man you loved to be a little more... glamorous
at night, with the light off, lying next to a warm body hands that are trying to get into your boxers you don't push him away because even though you want to he's your lover and you feel like you're supposed to let him so you do and when you go to work the next day, neck and collarbones lined with bruises, you try to tell yourself that you enjoyed it
you fail at that
when your co-workers ask you what's wrong you shrug them off, and tell yourself that you should be blushing when they congratulate you on finally getting some
it's not that you don't like it, you tell yourself as you **** him off in the shower at 7 in the morning it's just that you're too tired to appreciate what's going on