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Mar 2014
If you want respect from others, you have to respect yourself.  This respect will go far, more than any wealth.
When people have respect for you; you will excel.  They will protect you, knowing you will not fail.
Having respect for yourself, will be seen by people around.  They will join in to help, so your talents will be found.
If you fail to respect yourself, no need to look for assistance.  Because of not caring, you'll receive all forms of resistance.
If you respect yourself, you'll be careful about the way you wear your clothes.
People are constantly checking you out, from your head to your toes.  
Do you think you'll get respect, if your hair is wild and out of line?  People are going to think that you have lost your mind.
Do you think you'll get respect with your pants hanging off you hips?  Since it looks so disrespectful, people think you have flipped.
Do you think you'll get respect, if your mouth is not clean?  Then you will began to wonder, why aren't people seen?
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
Written by
Sandra Juanita Nailing  United States
(United States)   
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