all these goosebumps that once laid on my arms from your sweet words became a hatred i wish i had upon yourself i always said i had to forget about you just move on but how can i forget you? you make my heart beat in a way it never has you made me believe in love for the first time and how love hurts how it doesn't feel like how you feel when you watch a romantic movie i would walk 30 billion miles just to be touched by you i would cut off my lips just to prove to you that no one else would be touching them oh, how i want you oh, how much i think i need you but i'm still staying no matter the pain you give i'm sorry i make you angry i'm sorry i make you confused about how love is suppose to feel i can't say you don't do the same i love you i wish i did later maybe even earlier maybe not even at all
i hope you know that even though we are out of love i still think about you when the sky is crying at 4 a.m. thinking that maybe the sky misses you too i also hope you know that when the sky is shining bright at 8 a.m. that you will always be the first thing i think about when i wake up