Glass dishes, tinted blue, Oh them, oh you. Sweetly, round and small spoons, for coffee stirring, during my breakfast alone in front of the television.
Clear glass mug, half full of green tea sits waiting, embarrassed on the table till it turns cold, and for what meaning could this be for?
This desire to not do anything, fell out of the shower and soaked my whole body. A day off of work not used but spent waiting for the day to just be over with.
Long grocery store walks long bedroom stares, and patrols for a single thing needing cleaning. this is not how I envisioned the days of me taking care of myself.
At home, gone from home, always in some form of not being completely anywhere. Sweaty glasses, cold, half eaten dinners stare at me in anger.
Soft towels hanging on metal towel holders. Alone in the bathroom waiting to be appreciated. I recognize with them, rub my hand across their front.
Empty laundry basket, Empty change jar, tip jar. Some reason to spend all my money on food I do not need, nor want. Oh them, oh you, Oh me. What have we become?