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Mar 2014
It seems like just yesterday that I was ten
Still new to the world and what it holds
Some people will hold you back
Some will push you to hard
You either grow up too fast or too slow
There is no in between
And I have so many questions
Most that I will never know the answer to.
It seems like just yesterday that I was five
Playing in the backyard
Getting into my siblings things
Lying to get out of trouble
It was just princess and pirates
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
You just have to stay out the big guys way
and you will be just fine
I didn’t have to deal with the weight of the world
Fights were for fun
fought with water guns.
Now everyone is watching your every move
Talking, yelling, lying about you
What has the world come to
Killing time, more like killing each other
That’s why I act like a child sometimes
To remember the time where everything was a-okay
I like to play pretend
to forget this world
and make a new one in my mind.
It seems like just yesterday
But time doesn’t wait for anyone.
Katherine Brenna
Written by
Katherine Brenna  Maine
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