flung forward over slick asphalt six cylinders speeding towards eternity. your legs, our arms, tossed out the windows grasping breezes raindrops freedom.
scents of summer storms fill our lungs drenching us, cleansing us from the pollution of cluttered basements, chemically-treated arguments the stale musk of lonesome and striving.
trespassed swingsets launch us into skies, hazy city lights love born of fading stars and whispered stories breathless utterances of shared sorrows, griefs- Grace uncovered in nods and glances -clasped hands when words fell short.
barefoot toes urge a hesitating pedal throwing us faster into our borrowed Kingdom as fanfare trumpeted from skipping tracks announced our four-wheeled ballroom blitz.
this automotive palace became our confessional, our summertime, our refuge, a long-sought embrace. we were vagabonds, saints, sinners, artists. we were heroes.
washed in waves of sound, our fellowship burgeoned-- souls knit together in a tribal affection ensconced in a fortress of rubber, glass and steel steeped in diner coffee, wrapped in warm fragrant incense: *we sampled salvation.