please don’t think there’s more of me. i am not what i used to be. these days, i am just the palest impression of myself a fraction of my own existence.
lately, i am any girl buried beneath clinical diagnoses, verdicts made by women smart enough to have multiple Ph.Ds, but not sad enough to know how ‘major depressive disorder’ has discolored our years, left the days stained blue-black, bruised raw with pain.
this leaves me with my own two hands, trying to find the romance in mornings spent alone emptying the coffee *** escaping into other lives written twelve point font on well-loved pages but i am always left wanting.
i am alone & this is not beautiful my sadness swallows me whole. when things are bad, it leaves me paralyzed in my bed as the daylight dwindles, bent into myself stifling the sounds of sobbing with my fist so the neighbors won’t hear.
dealing with depression when there’s no one else around doesn’t go down easy, but then again neither is hard liquor at least it takes the edge off at least something makes the suffering of living less of a burden to bear.
call it semantics, but this isn’t living once we come into being, once we have consciousness, we are dying real slow. we **** time until it comes back to throw us six feet under. karma’s karma.