In this day, we are living in, no type of transportation is safe to take. With all of the disasters that's happening, it may be wise to be late. No need to sign up for a Cruise, it may be filled with the Noro Virus. Not being able to get into a bathroom quickly, will do nothing for the people in a rush. No need to aboard a train, the Conductor may be interested in sending texts. Before you even know it, you're upside down in a wreck. No need to ride a bus, especially, when ice is on the ground. So many have been turned over, and some people are no longer around. No need to use certain cars, because I hear there is a "Call Back". People have already lost their loved ones, only to suffer lack. No need to catch a plane, you may never return home. You don't want to leave your relatives, to live all alone. Maybe, we need a "Time Machine," then we can understand why no one has returned. To choose the right form of transportation, has anything been learned? By, Sandra Juanita Nailing