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Mar 2014
Your night,
Fueled by the throbbing bass
My night,
Fueled by your melting face
and I realize the only difference is the inferences.

The Kitchen sink,
stained with *****,
decorated in broken bottles.
Empty spaces extinct by strange faces,
some of them had cartoon eyes and
for the first time in my life I felt my shoulders needed to breathe.

Together we all broke the floor.
The laughter right after let you know
what kind of house this was.

"Hey, I'm Shane, whats you're name?"
"I don't have a name"
and she walked away,
but we both know more then we did before.

The constant pulse
made every second the first
until the red and blue lights
came to save the neighbors nights sleep.
Strange Raves are lame on acid.
Written by
Hooflip  tHere
   --- and Harry J Baxter
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