There are stars here! There are stars here, my friends! And as I lie among the streetlight- -cast penumbras staring at the Pentahedral crystal hammock jungle gym I am with them! I am with them in wonder In joy in amazement in ecstasy in open- -eyed revelation of truth As I realize I was born not In a city of shadows But in a city of such blinding brightness That I could never marvel at the darkness and the darkness is beautiful here.
Perfect halogen moonbeam outlines of imperfect Bodies frolicking in selfprescribed madness Spinning in the chemical centrifuge Until lights become light and encircles us endlessly Creating its own central outward Gravity As I become you become me And we sail this endless sea of Blackness And we fall ever deeper into the great Singularity everconsuming everlasting All Encompassing Feeling Grasping Gasping Growing Seeing Darkness.
Instruments of depravity Forged great, twisted Spinal curvatures held proud And feared by the mighty For our words poison their youth Revealing our shadowy enlightenment Clarifying with murky water Promises of intangible tangibilities. Beautifying chaotic tangled Masses forming perfection in nebulous amorphism. Downward, Downward Circling ever downward Spiraling veraciously downward Downward the holy! Downward the giving! Downward unto Heaven! Downward unto Hell! Downward unto Creation! Down. Where the soul becomes concrete And the concrete vague synesthetic bliss. The Darkness is beautiful here.