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Mar 2014
You see the heart behind this cage,
This heart of hate and love and lust.
This lonely heart impossibly tamed,
And with it cannot simply trust.

A gypsy heart that beats in place,
To leave and run and wander,
To leave no print, nor track or trace,
A storm with endless thunder.

A child of the universe, no less than the oceans and trees,
A wanderer made to journey and roam,
A lightly-stepped explorer to go she may please,
Whose learnt to call no place or person home.

An endless ray of light and hopeless broken candle together and apart,
A poison so treasured and tender and rare,
Remember once you free a gypsy heart,
It opens a door to no where.

So frightful to be at the door, full of secrets and stars,
Do you dare to disturb the universe in all its former glory?
This gypsy heart is a war with on going scars,
A never told and never ending story.
Please me be know what you think.
Written by
Tasha Manning
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