I'm just here Sitting Being Music playing louder than my thoughts Am I aware of it all? I'm aware that of what I should be doing crying, yelling but luckily noisy messy tears aren't for me tonight I'm just gonna sit here and forget Remember to forget what's happening outside my door I don't want to tell you Or to talk Thinking it through won't help I want to loose myself in art and poetry I want to turn my imaginary tears into something beautiful Beautiful and angry I want to create and design and yet here I sit Still.
Move and hurt and space Hating me Feel emotion surging through my chest Is it the music or my beating heart? I've reached a blissful nirvana when I don't even know anymore Listening to Fall Out Boy, Sisters of Mercy Singing along and writing Not thinking Lyrics go in, a jumble of words tumbling out of my pen I'm not making sense None of me is But I'm quite Happy Happy to be lost
This is really bad poetry I can't think of words when I can't even get Hippie Sabotage out of my head (my playlist has move onto indie rock) But I'm enjoying my bad poetry Pretending it's art. Ranting a lot about nothing silently I could get to the point Or I'll just ramble on about nothing forever
Neon girls and baggy jeans Worn to the knees on hot days Like icicles in our hearts I'm so sad
I have no more nothing so here goes They're fighting again I'm so calm And it's all falling down I feared for my fathers life for the first time today Properly. The thought crept into my head before I could stop it. Instinct. So I knew it was real. I feared for his dead eyes and his angry hands and his fragile heart
I'm scared for my mom and her burden of past mistakes I'm scared for her happiness
I'm not worried for me. I don't think my heart is fragile, and my past mistakes are just teenage dreams after all, I come alive in change and dramatic situations. I will deal, when it comes. I just wish I knew when And what, exactly
Perhaps eavesdropping wasn't the best plan But I want to know about what will happen She wanted to know if it was any of my business. Well yes, Mom.
I'm fine. I want everything else to be fine, but it's broken. I'm fine though. Just fine Lost in my own bad poetry.