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Mar 2014
Concealed by night, we fly.
Smokes in one hand, ***** in the other.
Anything is possible,
Just don't tell my mother.

Adrenaline rushes as fingers touch brass.
Footsteps muffle and hinges sass.
Bad intentions and language, crass.
I let his hands trespass.

My mind is fuzzy,
My words are slurred.
Lines once bold,
Now, are blurred.

This moment is wonderful,
I feel light as a feather!
When morning comes,
I'll be under the weather...

Who is this girl?
I've never met her.

Decisions made.
Parents forbade.
Boys played.

The blame is on me,
I turned into this.
Call me a ****,
But don't give me your fist.

Cause when I bounce back,

You'll be first on my list.
Pacifica Northwest
Written by
Pacifica Northwest  Grand Rapids
(Grand Rapids)   
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