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Mar 2014
popularity is just relatability
see them in that mirror watching you
but check your compacts at the door
(look them in the eye)
they might **** you tonight
who doesn't hate what they see
staring back, fade to black
in this highschool drama scene
who the **** are you?
can't be me
because i know myself, and this
dyed hair, straight kicks, concert tix
i see. that kid just aint all me
give me my pen, it stronger than the
wings of that waterproof eyeliner
you cried off in the bathroom stall
last tuesday
drew em back, of course
sharper than a sword but twice as brittle
because you hate the way they frame
you eyes, and your lies too
tonight, check you faces at the door
come in clear
and dont check your face to see
who's looking at you
we all see the same screen
our pores in bass-relief
Untitled got longer. Better or not is debatable. Still going.
Cherri Cola
Written by
Cherri Cola
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