Job made God mad. Go check it out. Chapters 38-41 Of the Book of Job. Job was praying to God, but Challenging His wisdom and justice, Demanding an explanation. So God said, "Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, And you shall answer me." And God asked Job If he was there When the earth was formed, If he could send lightning bolts On their way, If he could give orders to the morning Or show dawn its place. And things like that.
Job couldn't do anything.
At first, I was distracted by God's anger. It took me a minute to see the point.
Now flip to Ecclesiastes 3:11. This is what it says, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, Yet none can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
That makes it make more sense, don't you think? God's telling Job that He is all-knowing, infinitely wise and powerful. And wholly Good. Job can't understand the greater picture. In our ignorance, we get angry at God. And can you blame God For getting a little frustrated? He has a perfect and good plan, There is a reason for everything. We just don't understand In our finitude. So we get angry When God is really being Good, And we just can't see it.
God told Job to Trust Him. Look at all I've done! Look at my goodness, My power, My wisdom. If you can understand all of these things, If you can do all of these things, You will understand my ways.
But we cannot.
That's faith. Not a leap in the dark. A decision to trust the Most High, Based on knowledge. But passing from knowledge To the things that we cannot know, Like the greater plan that God has for us.