this days bread not a boastful feast with veracious laughter but the quiet sharing of bounty between thouse gathered the conversations saunters like a comfortable man of evening stroll in the bordertown marketplace stop to taste of its local cuisine savour its exotic beauties and subtle touch
with the world withdrawn to night we all sit on the veranda and our laughter and words fill the space the small light provides with a rich deep texture and scents our hearts with feelings of togetherness and comradery
one friend who young face gives credence to his optimistic forebodings eagerly leans into chapter and verse of politic and its verbal knives seeking to blame with wit the narrow disasters of finance we all love our friend dearly and shush such nonsense turn the face on conversation back to her warmer natures
she is my woman's friend and she spent the night with us last night in our bed soon to leave for humanitarian mission to some obscure world away she sits in my woman's arms like they have been with eachother all their lives it is such beauty to see two women in such comfortable ease as lovers they are both a delight to me
our hours grow thin as sleep calls us all one by one and gives us one by one to such dreams as may our collective loves may bring this is the best moments of my life and are enduring in my heart as i too slip into slumbering in the arms in these two women in the arms of love