Tick, tick, tick, echoed the miner’s pick Unleashing the captive from the depths below The guardian of the treasure’s soul Deep within the Long Range Mine Two spirits struggled inside one mind Greed’s effervescence filled the cave Twice absorbed into its slave
Lick, lick, lick, flame on tin candlestick ‘Ole Jim Crow who knew no match Blindsided by foe, at Owen’s; dispatched Thirty five years from that foul fate It Turned Albrother inside its gate
Tick, tick, tick, as the clock does chime Three and fifty from former date Enraptured hell’s picolinate Uninhibited behind closed walls They could only hear one outside fall
Click, click, click, taps its toes in time And to this day they say it’s seen Roaming the hills and hollow between Lantern aglow and with its pick Looking for soul or mind to inflict
Forget it not to latch ones hatch Keep head attached, avoid being snatched