before my very eyes right now bottle brush sway dance for me and I get breeze caressed and blades of grass all round me, my lovely quiet friends over two yellow towers, a small wink flits across the way chittering its strange works and seeping in all my veins bugs marvel at this towering stilt aloe of varied height, a neat semi circle round the being protecting all open ****, still raw
I can cry out for pain, but I do not I let it sit inside my mouth like a throbbing tongue till it goes away or melt into the soil that mother earth opens for me, in the wings of stunted dreams
I can reach up and pull a branch to me full of foliage, green and brown every leaf a miracle, just for me in this moment nature dust paints much contrast and sensuous texture
yellow rose
I take your wrists in my hands and you let me to the hasty lines scribbled in short hand patience I had better be quick, catch that pulsing I may miss the already camouflaged code placed between your lips, a yellow rose
before the world challenge credence and beat nerve ridden walk and no need to butter up anything what's true, is true
I adore you beyond mere words, despite this dry salt survives absent eyes expectations sprain and get crippled, hobble on on crutches made of geranium petals like a half boat on an arduous journey to visit a season on another planet that I hold within this can just for you
you're such the poem for keeps no poikilotherm stem tubes of beautiful green fluids thanks to the extraordinary sun spill of light in every breath