Went and hit your wall hard But shriveled up like a raisin
So I got up, being a raisin and all And right then and there I decided to crawl
So I crawled for a while Under your wall, trying to get through
But I saw that was no use So up I grew
I grew up and up Like a big, noble tower
To see over your walls To accumulate more power
But your walls were too high Your demands were too steep
So I slumped down and found that I needed to sleep
So I slept for a while I slept a great deal
And after my dream I realized I needed to get real
So I found my real self Not a raisin, crawler, tower, or such
I am who I am Not affected by your touch
But maybe some day I'll come back With my heart all a'blazing
But instead of me this time Maybe you'll be the raisin
Who crawls for my love Who will grow for it more and more
And maybe, just maybe You will realize you could have had it before
To be honest, I laughed when I wrote this. I felt like Dr. Seuss when I wrote it. But I don't think this will ever happen because I don't want it to. I am good with right now