Sometimes I wonder if I am too critical. Taking away the limelight, casting a shadow over an idea, or am I right about my opinion?
I read into things I notice when things are off, not by much, but still know when its wrong.
I caught a certain movie this way. Where things were wrong, plain to see, for anyone who knows their Bible.
Scriptural based problems, that are either left out or completely changed. Too much freedom in creativity when there are four distinct accounts in the Bible.
Yet this one starts with the premise it is from John, where numerous distortions are found.
But the biggest issue is never mentioned in the movie, why does Jesus have to die? The only viewpoint that is really shown is that Jesus "blasphemes God" according to the Jews.
The issue arises when there is no explanation why Jesus has to die. What is the significant reason of Him dieing for us? This is not mentioned, neither is the Holy Spirit.
There are a lot of minor issues in the movie, but to skip the purpose of why Jesus came to earth is not shown.
Yes, He dies on the cross, but it doesn't reflect His reason for doing so.
I hope this movie stirs talk in finding the truth. The meaning for why Jesus died for us. That the minor details that are either left out or added, are noticed.
Making people open up the Bibles to see it for themselves, as it is written.
It allows people to learn more about a story that they have heard time and time again, but learning something new.
Picking up on verses they never interpreted before.
To learn and gain knowledge of the one Book which should matter the most, to truly understand and know the Son of God.
~The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1: 7