Stick straight trees line hills, their arrangement phony less than 5,000 feet in elevation but elevating humanity for over sixty thousand.
For more than sixty thousand human beings, think of fish stuck, are stampeded by shiny black blocks of detonation. Explosion for extraction, and teeny tiny port-o-potties sit, enjoying relaxation where an ecosystem once enjoyed rehabilitation after March.
We Marched on, up a gravel hill where wind blew but we bolted our boots to the soil. Sunglass-clad woman concealed her hurt eyes, but her voice hurt enough to inspire a kind of throat retching sensation.
***** up that black, ooey-gooey you old, weathered mountain top. Explosives like a firm finger shoved down the throat denote a rock spew; regurgitate and repeat a dozen times over. Flatten and deform, never to reform the water-giving, life-renewing, shady shelter, stable stool, magic majesty of my mountain.