seeing for the first time, any colour
other than metal or white,
eyes wide with suspicion,
smelling for the
first time, any scent other than
a chemical cleaning product,
noses a quiver, wet then dry then wet again,
to move, uncertain, unsteady legs
touching for the first time, the ground
with blades of grass, pointed and poke
between the pads, calloused pads,
wobbly steps and attempts to run
with stumbles upon the green grass of freedom,
under a blue sky of hope, no shadows
from the stainless metal cages, and a stark scientific
horrific place of pokes and needles and loneliness
a Lab, no a Labratory
but we are Beagles, and OUT to prove it.
I am sure science does some good,
I am sure science is advanced enough to
not have to do tests on living subjects,
C'mon it is science, right? Brilliant minds and all, do better!