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Mar 2014
My Everything
I peer through
And over the ledge
To feel a world
That I cannot grasp
But I can feel just fine
I reach out
And extend my palm
To feel the delicateness
Of the atmosphere
And I greedily **** in
This new sweet air
I move over the ledge
Without exposing my covered eyes
Unmarred by my own delusions
Or apprehension
With a euphoria
Of an indescribable
Addicting feeling
That I am sure
Can only be known here
I feel weightless
And completely unbound
As I step off
The ledge to see a new
Existence below me
Enveloped in this sweetness
Somewhere between
This dimension
And the next
I welcome the foreign
Ticking? Tapping?
On my pores
And savor the nectarous
Ringing sound of
Something not unlike bells
And only then do I
Know that it
Is safe to
Open my eyes and
Drink in my
True home
I do not know
Or care where
This world is
I only know
And care
That it is
Written by
Nikola Kaberline
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