It's alright if you fall in love with a girl Who has a rather grotesque addiction. But keep in mind that she will want it When you ask her to give it away And that she will, At times, Choose it over you.
Because it has been around longer than your suitcase Which she expects to be moved any day now Like all of the others who have seen How the disease spreads over her like an ocean But this one is blood red and there is no Ridding her skin for there are too many stains And not enough soap or love in the world To clear them off of her But she's just hoping that enough ***** and cigarettes and *** will make them fade. She will push you away when she craves it She will not be able to stop and you should know It is never your fault. She's just addicted.
Do you remember that girl you fell for in middle school? How she smiled and laughed and kept your attention? Do you remember how she left you? And all you wanted was to have her back? That is her addiction. It is so purely sweet and blissful to her.
A warning to the one who shall fall. It will haunt your dreams. You'll become addicted to her like she Is to what keeps her sane. You will want her to stop. You will want her to see and find something better.
You won't be the first. She already has your suitcase packed.
Saving her is like saving... I'm not sure what it's like... It's like trying to save someone from drowning, But they love to swim even if they never learned how... That's not good enough. It's like trying to take a blade from a cutter. It's like stripping her from all she knows.