revisiting the red moons and fallen stars of times gone by serves only to underline your pain in red biro. Past wounds would heal if only you stopped scratching them with ***** nails your wounds you see are infected, oozing from them only hatred
let past arguments fade like the scars we acquire on our knees from falling in gravel as children do not pour into them more tears or time do not allow your scars to glow brighter than you you are not your scars, you are not your bitter thoughts
not everything you think needs be uttered in times of anguish, not everything your partner fails at needs to be noticed and when something is done and over, there is no sense in digging its decomposing body up allowing its stench to squander your precious life together When the dead body of a passed argument is buried, leave it in the ground where it belongs so you don't regress but rather progress
Moving forward place one foot in-front of the other cautiously you may not know what lays ahead what you do know is love is real and sometimes it can struggle for breath even in the most deepest of trysts when it struggles do not retreat, do not allow your self to feel defeated real love continues to breath even under the dark smog of battle and after the battle is over, it emerges stronger than before..