How can it be that when ever I can't see you I'm stuck so empty. ****, do you even know? I'm damming up a waterfall but I can feel the pressure building... and I fight it, I fight it so hard and I don't even know why. Logs come loose, currents push through, leaking I pull my head down, using my curls as leverage to keep my face hidden. Hidden away from these four walls, these four hovering beings. The only witnesses. Counting my tears, muffling my sobs, but you don't know. No one really does. These walls unmoving, silent, still with eggshell paint, cannot comfort me. Cannot hold me. Cannot tell me that I am not a worthless person, that these feelings will fade. These walls cannot take the blade off of my thighs, soak up this crimson shame before it stains the thin gauze that makes up who I am.
A simple stumble of my thoughts can send me tumbling into reality where I sit alone.