Don't ask me about faith or love or doing what's right because when I was 13 years old the trees told me that no matter how stable your foundation is it will break someday. To this day I tend to stay away from strong, tall trees and instead find shade under shaky, frail ones cowering on the side of the forest. I'm sorry for not loving you in a more prideful way. I don't have enough time to write out all of my regrets so instead I will love you with a quivering touch and an apologetic stomach. My fear? ASK ME ABOUT MY FEAR. I KNOW OF ALL KINDS THE TRIVIAL, THE NERVOUS AND THE INNOCENT I KNOW OF THE SMALL FIRE BUILT INDIDE YOUR CHEST THAT IS STOKED NOT BY A GUST OF WIND BUT MY THE SOUND OF A FRIENDLY BOYS VOICE ASK ME ABOUT MY FEAR AND I WILL GUIDE YOU TO AN OVERGROWN FIELD WHERE THE THIN GRASS IS A TAUNTING DEPICTION OF WHAT I WANT TO BE LOOK AT THE INDENTS IN THE DIRT MADE FROM MY KNEES LOOK AT THE LEAVES LYING ON THEIR BACKS AND I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO REPENT LIKE THE WOOD THAT BEGS FOR MERCY IN A BURNING BUILDING I WILL SHOW YOU ******* OFF WHATEVER STRENGTH YOU HAVE LEFT AND HOW TO BREATHE AS IF IT IS AN ACCIDENT I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO BE LOVED AS IF YOU ARE THE ONLY SURVIVOR OF A PLANE CRASH AND LEAVE YOU WONDERING HOW IT COULD HAVE TURNED OUT DIFFERENTLY. I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO FIND SOMETHING YOU NEVER THOUGHT YOU LOST. I will show you how your feet scream when they enter a hospital and how they sing when they walk out. Here is my testament , here is what dropped out of the sky when I reached up with empty hands and bleeding courage I threw my ears on a broken star with a strong arm and a weak heart just to listen to the commentary of whatever god everyone claims to exist I will tell you about the day heaven seems to be soundproof What could a 15 year old know about faith What could I know about demons and angels and how they excite and disappoint you How could I know about how a newborn baby disguised in a blanket clutching it's mothers arm, in what seems small forever What could I know about 8 empty bottles of cheap wine and a child with too many bruises and a hole in his pocket that won't let him hold all that he wants to keep This is not how you love someone, this is how you miss them And how instead of listening to your head and heart you listen to his This is how you run faster than the rivers to be held in his arms This is a reminder that when they ask for nothing they become everything This is how you start beginning, And how to prepare to come to an end.