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Mar 2014
There is
A speck of dust on her lashes
How enchanted and delighted
I imagine it must be

There are
Emotions tearing her up inside
How guilt ridden and unsure they must be
To have hurt something
Like the dawn of springtime

Were she
To sit beside a flower
I am sure it would melt in shame
For never having been beautiful

Tackled countless times
Tricked by her own mind
She is more likely to believe
In a world where she is afraid
Then one where she can stand

A slippery *****
She is
But one that catches you
At the bottom
Eyyy though I'd finally post something, this was initially for English class....but it came out pretty well I think. But there you have it.
Steven Muir
Written by
Steven Muir  20/Transgender Male/Santa Clarita, California
(20/Transgender Male/Santa Clarita, California)   
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