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Mar 2014
The time of day in which I feel most at peace
Is when the clock strikes six am in the Summer season

Cool morning, the world around me a pale blue
Before the sun's fiery eye has peaked over the horizon
The air is not hot or cold, and no wind comes to blow the leaves
The world is tender and crisp, like the lover's waking hands

Cool morning, breaching darkness and outshining stars
Before a paintbrush has whisked clouds across the sky
Humanity lies dormant in the serenity of peaceful silence
And the land is innocent, a light breeze caressing it's blushing curves

Cool morning, the moment before I rest
A gentle tide of freedom washing over the confines of my body
A carefree sleepiness coursing through my veins
A temptation disguised as bundled up sheets

The time of day in which I feel most at peace
Is when my body is relaxed and I know it is finally
Cool morning
A lot of my poems are written when I'm depressed, and rather dark and overly personal, so I'm still deciding if I want to share that on here. Hope you enjoy the more light-hearted one here.
Charles Dennis Liebel
Written by
Charles Dennis Liebel  California
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