There sits a man With a wooden leg and a thousand wrinkles Smoke around his blue sailors cap Smoke shrouding all but his eyes in a mysterious sense of pain The smoke fades from a gentle grey to a dark midnight black Now there are only the eyes The purple eyes sticking out of a shroud of black smoke as if they were the beacon to heaven The eyes stare into the distance Suddenly a part of the black smoke curls into itself and explodes in a rush of air and stale old smoke Now there are two dots of lucios purple smoke They float towards me and stay there With a strange glint in them they look towards the black smoke I say look for that is what they were doing The blavk smoke starts moving inwards As if there were a great source of power summoning theme The speed increases and I feel extreme fear and power I blink And right there sits the man With a wooden leg and a thousand wrinkles With a blue sailors cap But now his wrinkles are different They are black Like the smoke that moments ago was around him That smoke was now in him His skin was normal Soft as a baby but his wrinkles were black The two purples eyes that float before me seem to beckon towards the wrinkle in the mans brow I walk forward and I look into the wrinkle The eyes float behind my head now Suddenly a force pushes me into the wrinkle I fall in the vast abyss that is this wrinkle And I feel it all Pain Fear Love Death Hatred Apprehension Lust Sadism Masochism But above all guilt The horrible darkness pushes the guilt into my soul and crushes me What did this man do that is hidden by his wrinkle did he.... There sits a man With a wooden leg and a thousand wrinkles And a blue sailors cap