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Sep 2010
I'll meet you again
Where the shadows grow long
And the sand sings soft whispers
And the amber trees twist
On an eternal Earth

You will find me again
Standing in the riverΒ 
My rough bared feet drowning
In the tiny slivers
Of all those little dreams
We were just too poor to nurture
And far too young to waste

I'll meet you again
In the sweetest late afternoon light
With your heart so full of wonder
And your callused hands so beautifully empty
Your body so tired of wandering

And as the red sky says itsΒ Β last goodbyes, my dear
To all his precious children
So cold and so small
We will hold each other close so close
As the last of ourselves
Withers and bursts into bloom
Into life
Dear Life
So tragically short
Β© Kelsey L. Showalter
Written by
Kelsey Showalter
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