“the overall effect, the result of looking and looking into its brimming surface as long as I could look, is love, by which I mean a sense of tenderness toward experience, of being held within an intimacy with the things of the world”-mark doty
“love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within”-james baldwin
“my notion of love…is very closely related to the blues. there’s always somebody leaving somebody, and there’s never any vengeance, any bitterness…”-toni morrison
service without limits, unforeseen respect
reaching in to seize my heart from my chest handing it over to my daughter, sophia absorbed through soft, gentle palms ‘til her womb plays the role of God, and molds a new heart to this earth, births a new love
the picture of tangled, honeyed thighs, skin crinkled and peppered with spots made of stories soft cackles singing in an otherwise quiet room they never will grow mold.