Flowing forth from an unexplored spring comes the hope and unheard of ring of reason, of love, of rejoice; The creator of life hears my voice.
The unbearable fear of absence resides in the forgotten realm of the unused mind. Relentless, forever searching, comes the crushing truth that feeds off our surroundings.
Lengthy thinking sessions and laborious travels throughout the land, Thinking, pondering, lurking lurking lurking in the dark since time began hovering in the night behind the shadows the shadows of time. Calling out for aid in a world of emptiness no one hears, save one. The one, who hears our pleas, our requests. The one who can't stand loneliness. The helper. The one we've forgotten but hasn't forgotten us. Always in the peripheral, making sure we have what is needed to survive this lonely realm always lending a hand, or a shoulder. this is what he is. This is why we are. For the helper to help us. To need him him. To be helpless.