I lost myself when I uttered the words: “it’s up to you now” and laid my heart in your feeble hands. I lost myself when I shoved my fate in your direction and turned a blind eye. I wanted you to want me back, and you never did.
I have been searching ever since for the girl I once was. I used knives and numerous sharp objects to dig into my skin to see if I was still there, within the depths of my misguided soul. I leapt into words and strung them into poems hoping you’d read them and come rushing back. Because without you I wasn’t me.
I stopped searching when I found that I could never be the girl I was before you. I had seen too many dreams die, too many hearts break to ever crawl back into my old skin. I stopped searching when I found myself lying amongst the ******* of a collapsed and failed life. And I found that the new me could never live with you.