Packed in tight,
labored breathing to my front, behind, left,
and right.
There was sharp college affiliation division,
mostly clean shavens, greying womens,
a meager family of lost souls,
unified in their desire to levitate,
from the daily ties
and coffee grinds.
The airplane dragged its feet,
as we cousins stared through windows,
holding the remnants of home in our lungs,
as the plane began to recline,
the engines sang a maddening song,
our eyes widened in exhalation.
The city dissolved, landscapes dissolved,
in its stead, opaque white filled our viewing screen,
but in that sacred moment,
when we rose over the roughly hewn clouds,
when holy light, holy sky broke through,
we exhaled,
as the sun cascaded over each ridge and bluff,
the kindness of directionless was finally restored.
Copyright 9.23.10 by J.J. Hutton