Black Friday is a day created by man. Everyday is the Lord's day, to do whatever he can. People wake up early, just to stand in line. People know not to mess around, they have to be on time. They remember not to stand to close to any of the doors. They heard about the people trampled, and stretched out on the floors. This is a day they waited for, just so they can shop. Some have so many bags; you can see that they are about to drop. Black Friday is a day that you can get hurt. You have to be careful, not to be thrown onto the dirt. Some people wait all night, to find a special gift. Only to find they have been knocked down, reaching up for a lift. One Black Friday, it was reported on the News, a woman lost her teeth. The crowd rushed in so quickly, a crowd that couldn't be beat. Another woman, it was reported that she lost her hair. After this, I hope she found what she was looking for, and what she desired was still there. By, Sandra Juanita Nailing