Those words pierced Me My soul My heart How could he? And yet I knew that’s what he thought He reaffirmed my fears My fears that because I lived where I did I was not Good enough That somehow if he had gotten shot at it would have been My Fault Not his Not the person with the gun, who pulled the trigger Mine and mine alone
My fears that where I lived made me different Made me dangerous Made me lesser
Those lips Those lips that meant so much to me That had kissed me and told me I was beautiful Reaffirmed my fears that I was not good enough That he did not see me as equal He saw me as different In that moment I was not a girl he was driving home from a date I was someone he was driving to Bridgeport To the unknown To “danger”
And he thought it was funny He laughed as I wanted to cry And I laughed to I joked I agreed. I believed that I was lesser
He had everything that I wanted A perfect house A perfect car A perfect life He was not satisfied with it and yet I thought that if I was in his shoes I would be perfect I would be happy He had everything I wanted and he reaffirmed that I did not have it I will never have it I will never have grown up in a perfect house in a perfect neighborhood in a perfect little town And in that moment it hurt but I know that I would never in a million years give up the last 17 years to live some other life that my parents cannot give me I love who I am because of where I have been
I hate him For ever making me feel less For ever making me feel different He knew how I felt about him And I thought he felt that way about me We had joked but this This was not joking This was real This was personal This hurt This still hurts