I fell backwards Seeing all in slow motion You standing, you kissing her So our love has run its course This fact sinks in with a whisper As you trail back to me Not knowing I've seen Your stuff is waiting on the pavement when you get back All neatly folded I thought that was the end of that No awkward lies, no need for parting words Just the end.
I'll wipe you out of my memory while I stare at the ceiling, as midnight consumes Glowing stars pointing me back to the reality of the unfeeling I never feel much anymore I'm not human you would say Truth is Its easier this way
The iridescent sky leaks gold And Angels slumber in an eternal life of bliss As everyday gets more difficult with it I plan things in my head Amazing how much time you took up I twiddle my fingers, agitated and restless Life beckons within, then a possibility of happiness Surely I should take this
It was but one kiss, I know this Shadows loom with it This tiny slight of happiness As the nights get darker I remember how moonlight would flicker as a candle on your face
Little snippets start to rise through the mud Dirt that I burried on top of you I thought that was the end But little things keep getting through
You hunted for the Santa Claus film a week before Christmas I didn't feel festive and fell asleep through it Waking up to Christmas pudding and eggnog, that warm cuddly festive feeling came back to me It resides somewhere still in me
In Paris we sprinted from a five star restaurant bill Wearing silk, breaking my heels This night you captured my heart as we ran through Paris barefoot in the rain
The hotel room in Venice had rats in the cupboard We didn't want to leave the bed So we made picture's on the ceiling with lamp light Falling asleep to softly slapping water, that night I Knew it would only ever be you It's still you
You skinned a cable for the copper,made me a bracelet The arthritis in my wrist was driving me crazy
You drew me a Christmas card every year, even when you turned thirty
You were useless at making me coffee
We were so care free , look at what's happened to me
These little things keep wounding me, but also make me happy
If I could take back that kiss It still would've ended as this You needed more than I could give In my world it wasn't important That you Knew how I loved you How I needed you That every morning I thanked God for you You never knew As I never told you And now it's too late to