To divine the truth, is to define a miracle -- since you asked I'll reach into the bag of both realigned and canned answers I keep with the good intention of weaving old wools for you, into wisdom anew, just for you Hell, I'd rather reach inside my lungs, scrape with ten jagged fingernails at lining sprayed with silver by what's become known as better judgment until the flesh caught underneath peels away There's gotta be more to this exhaling exchange of words than we've let on constructions of construction in the destruction come from centuries of hard and stark speech revision for science Ever open restaurant rooftop under four grounded legs, four gazing eyes Sky scape splashed navy painted dusk You ask lightly, highly of me How do humans rust?
A burlap bag broke in bleeding insides I reach deeper into my recesses the cavities keeping my trying heart intact and pull that bleating piece of trash up through my teeth and cough up for you
Is there a soul there? Is there a soul there? Is there a soul there?