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Feb 2014
why, God?

can't you see the
tears flowing
like the Jordan
from these eyes
that You created?


why has this shame
been cast upon me?

in this village You
placed me in, there
are a hundred
laughing children
in the arms
of every other woman.

am i alone put aside?

you know how much
i love Your ways,
kept and followed
every command
since i was a girl,

let me love a child
for a little while,
let me suckle
a son to my breast
and i will give him
back to You.


let this prayer
fall like pure
soundless snow
from my lips

look down
upon Your servant,
look down
and remember her.
Inspired by 1 Samuel 1.
Chapter 2 is called "Hannah's Prayer."
Written January 2014
Written by
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