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Feb 2014
Through the times I travel
Through the skies I fly
I hear judges slam gavels
I watch men as they spy
I see wars as they take place
I travel through Space
I’m the one who carries mace
As the mystery take place

As the ****** unfolds
I’m the one who hunts for gold
I’m the legend untold
I am the slave that was sold

I’m the baker on the corner
The hairstylist down the street
I am my loved one’s mourner
I’m that stranger that you meet

I’m a Solder
      An Explorer
      A Frontiersman
      A Spy
I’m a Witness
      A Doctor
      A Fairy
      A Nymph
I’m a Queen
      A ballerina
      A child
      A swan

I am a reader
Anyone I want to be
When I open up the pages of a book
Come with me, I’ll show you
Come take a look

Can’t you see the mountains
And the stream over there
I’m in the forest
A knife
My bow
One arrow
All that I’m armed with

A branch snaps
My arrow flies
The shot is true
And the deer is dead
My family will celebrate tonight
For we shall feed for many moons
Perhaps a different scene is more to your taste

Helmet on
Boots strapped tight
A gun is in my hand

The earth is shaking
Night is whistling
Bombs dropping all around
The world seems at its end

A blinding light
Then all goes silent
I hear my comrade calling
“Medic” “Medic”

Rushing to him
Kneeling at his side
I gather him in my arms
And run for shelter

Patched up now
He’s doing well
Or well as anyone can be expected to do here in this hell
It’s said you truly live
Only if you’ve faced death
This isn’t life
Life is
Being at home
Surrounded by the ones you love

Out here
The only thing that waits for us
Is death
The cold that creeps at night
Go to sleep
Not knowing if you’ll wake up
Or die during the night

Dreams of mothers
Of wives
And of kids
Dreams of brothers
And sisters
All of our kin

It’s how we survive
Through our dreams
Our imagination
It keeps us alive

It’s said the war
Will be over soon
I don’t see it
But I hope
I pray it’s true

Now the story is over
The journey is at it’s end

But I’ll travel again
Later tonight
I’ll open a book
A new adventure will begin
Question is,
Are you brave enough
To join me?
Written in 2010 for a poetry slam
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