In the Food Lion, low-calorie chicken soup cans under tinny lights. Sick-green avocados and riding-hood bacon celebrated the day all your shoes moved in. Can't we pair those together again?
The blank space on the floor like a good friend's face seen without glasses, washed out. Frustratingly, the smell of my own laundry. mi colada es su colada Ha!
By the pond, the gazebo we never spent time in but might have. The dusk-dark evergreens with delicate lace tips like spidery lingerie leggings ripped wide open, lingering, recovered from the trash can.
Rainbow polka-dot gift wrap on my light-blue chest, flagship of her left-behinds; A tawny feather earring, the lonely fore-mast lacking a mate
Demure winter-cabin-smile, framed: green scarf turned seaweed, the face-down figurehead drowns.
A list of triggers, right after my girlfriend moved out. March 20th, 2013.