Like a river washing over us everything was gone. The tears The laughter The memories The good and the Bad Everything. Gone. Gone. Gone.
No turning back, No holding on. Everything left us Every moment we ever shared was stripped from our past. There was nothing left to hold onto Like limp helpless humans we had to stand. Stand and watch everything we loved and cared for stripped from us. Until we were left as cold humans left bare in a rushing stream,
The love we once felt was disappearing. Dissolving.
We cried.
Both of us.
We so desperately wanted to hold on... But we felt our grips loosen We had to let Go. There was no life preserver no swimming to shore The current pulled us away and there was no turning back. No memory.
We washed away until we no longer wanted to remember. To remember, why?
Why we loved. How we loved. What we felt before was no longer there.